A ton of work was done today. We finished putting up the second and third rows of guardrail up where we put the posts in last week. (All along the new turns 3 and 4, in front of the concession stand, and lining the entrance and exit ramps.) We had a great crew of guys today. We were able to have a few teams working simultaneously. This helped us to really bang it out. Jake Starr, Rob VanDyne, Mike Fauci, Nick Fauci, Mike Gavin, Shawn Freeland, Rick Francis, Jerry McAllister, Dave Farnan, Randy Goetz, Jan Lynch, Chip Ayres, Don Resch and I were all hanging the guardrail. We placed over 60 pieces. Mike Valencia was busy in the concession stand reworking the layout with the new cabinetry, it’s really starting to take shape.
Thank you to the ladies for picking up the lunch. (Irene, Kaitlyn and Kaydon) A huge thank you to Michelle McAllister Burr who treated us to pizza from Daffy’s all the way from Maryland!
Our goal was to get the guardrail up by the end of the month. With the exception of two sections that need to be dug out to add the bottom row, we have done that.
Memberships are starting to roll in – Just a reminder they are due by March 16th if you’d like the discounted price. $75 for a family membership, $50 for a single membership. We also have started to receive orders for the Limerock Then and Now Book. Thank you to the Dorans, Whitesides and Buchanans for placing their orders and including an additional donation to be put towards the purchase of clay. We’ve been pricing clay, and it’s going to be a large investment. But it is a very much needed step in this project. If you’d like to order a book please go to http://www.lrspeedway.com/limerock-then-and-now-order-form.html and download the order form and return it by March 31st.
Thank you to everyone that was there today. Limerock is going to be the place to be this season, and it’s because of the hardworking membership.
Thank you to the ladies for picking up the lunch. (Irene, Kaitlyn and Kaydon) A huge thank you to Michelle McAllister Burr who treated us to pizza from Daffy’s all the way from Maryland!
Our goal was to get the guardrail up by the end of the month. With the exception of two sections that need to be dug out to add the bottom row, we have done that.
Memberships are starting to roll in – Just a reminder they are due by March 16th if you’d like the discounted price. $75 for a family membership, $50 for a single membership. We also have started to receive orders for the Limerock Then and Now Book. Thank you to the Dorans, Whitesides and Buchanans for placing their orders and including an additional donation to be put towards the purchase of clay. We’ve been pricing clay, and it’s going to be a large investment. But it is a very much needed step in this project. If you’d like to order a book please go to http://www.lrspeedway.com/limerock-then-and-now-order-form.html and download the order form and return it by March 31st.
Thank you to everyone that was there today. Limerock is going to be the place to be this season, and it’s because of the hardworking membership.